
Volunteer at Covenant Christian School

Parental involvement is much more than just attending parent-teacher meetings or showing up for school events. It is about actively participating in shaping your child’s future, and there are few better ways to do this than by lending your time, skills, and energy to our school community. This act of service not only benefits our school but also serves as a powerful lesson to our children about the importance of contributing to their communities. Let’s work together to create an enriching, vibrant and loving environment for our children to learn and grow in.

Please fill out the form below to give us a better idea of what type volunteer opportunities you are interested in.

Join Parents Club (PACS)

PACS is a service organization comprised of parent volunteers, and it funds numerous social events and class parties throughout the year. PACS both appreciates and needs volunteers in many areas. Some opportunities for parental involvement include:

Prayer Group The prayer group meets monthly to pray for specific needs of students and teachers.

Room Mothers Room mothers help with class parties and events.

Teacher Appreciation We seek to show our teachers and staff that we appreciate them several times during each month.

Field Day PACS leads field day where our students come together in May for a day of fun and community building.

Volunteer Inquiry

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